Plot-48, Sharan Vihar, Indira Nagar (91) 730-9979797

Security and Surveillance Systems

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Security & Surveillance Services

In the modern day, security and surveillance systems play a major role in most individuals, companies, and government agencies. Advanced 24/7 real-time Security & Surveillance are a significant option for preventing thefts. These also extensively protect the property and the employees to easily function properly. We provide you with the complete data solution and Security & Surveillance for our clients. These Surveillance technologies are changed to the IP-based attributes for analyzing the data, video integration, and voice. Deployment of CCTV cameras, digital videos, censors, and many others also leads to added safety on the premises.

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CCTV cameras have been widely used for providing evidence of crime. 24/7 video surveillance monitoring are perfect option for ensuring that the premise is completely safer even without any hassle. Installing the high-end Security & Surveillance system helps to easily prevent loss, bodily injury, and damages. Websofy Software Pvt. Ltd works for global clients and offers the best Surveillance technology solutions. We have worked on varied projects from varied sectors such as Police, Defense, Nationalized Banks, Central Government Establishments, and more. Our Security & Surveillance provide a range of solutions to help keep your people and property safe.

Get the CMOS imaging and infrared sensors enabled IP cameras for getting accurate images in all weather conditions.